Sunday, 15 February 2015

This might sound strange but....England is enormous!

In Australia we like to think of England as being tiny, and laugh at the Poms because their entire country could fit into our second smallest state. Well the last few days they have been definitely been getting the last laugh….England is huge, at least when you’re driving around looking for vans. Someone must have done their calculations wrong when they worked out England could fit into Victoria…because every time we go to look at a van that, on Google maps, appears to be just down the road in the same county, or "just up the hill", its a four hour round trip, and thats travelling at the standard motorway speed of about 130km/hour. How is it that in a country so small, everything is so far away, even when everyone travels so fast? And its not even financially viable to go and look at any vans within the “circle” of London, as it would cost about a tenth of our entire van budget just for the two of us to commute in for the day! Who would have thought I’d be saying this only a few days after leaving…but Adelaide is not actually so bad! 

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